Just some thoughts...

Every day, as I write Poetiquejustis, I pray it will be a blessing to someone.
Today, I hope it is you.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Run Your Own Race


The way of the sage is to act
but not to compete
I won my first spelling bee
 in First Grade
I won my first poetry competition
in 6th grade
In other words...
I got competition in to my blood pretty early
But then I grew up
And realized that competing in life
Meant running someone else's race
For a prize of their choosing
 Just to make sure
that other people lose
Now, where's the fun in that?
I bet I can get where I want to go
without worrying if you get their first!
and that's poetiquejustis
Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won’t need to compare himself with someone else. 
Galatians 6:4