Just some thoughts...

Every day, as I write Poetiquejustis, I pray it will be a blessing to someone.
Today, I hope it is you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Emotional Ecology


Communicate a sense of admiration, of wonder, of trust
Sylvia Shaw Judson
I read a line in a Dick Francis book once that stuck with me
"All around her was an island of peace."
What does the "island" around you look like?
Is it cluttered with the fruit of bitterness?
or the fruit of love and kindness for the picking?

Littered with angry thoughts and memories?
or have you captured the glow of happy memories?
Overgrown with fear and suspicion?
or a place of order and calm?
What messages are you sending from the island of your life?
When people sail near, 
do they fear the rocky shores 
or are they grateful for the safe haven?

It is your island
Make it a peaceful place to dwell  and visit
a place of comfort for yourself and others  
The world could use that right now
                                                                   and that's poetiquejustis
                                                   Do all that you an to 
                                                 live in peace with everyone.
                                                                        Romans 12:18