I got spurs that jingle jingle jangle!
Lyrics: Joseph Little and Frank Loesser
On the spur on the moment
what does that mean?
Is it something that grabs you
Before it was seen?
On the spur of the moment
you can flip life end to end!
you can flip and fold it
On the spur of the moment
without thought or regret
you can do something for someone
that they will never forget
it won't cost you a nickel
it won't cost you a dime
it won't even cost you
much of your time
you can spur people on
when their courage is dragging
To spur on - to encourage-
To cheer on those who are lagging!
Just with a listen
Just with a smile
Just with an attaboy
Once in a while
On the spur of the moment
You can make it all right
and that's poetiquejustis
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds
Hebrews 10:24