Just some thoughts...

Every day, as I write Poetiquejustis, I pray it will be a blessing to someone.
Today, I hope it is you.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Conquering Flight

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools
Albert Einstein
I can always tell when I am getting angry...
A little propeller starts just above my heart
The engines begin to rev
And the noise of it all begins to drown out my better self
I start down the runway of anger with my hands firmly on the controls
The end of the runway is coming fast-
I can  take flight and fight,
Or pull back on the throttle and taxi back to the hangar
Elizabeth Kenney said:
He who angers you, conquers you.
Today, pull back on throttle
and soar to friendlier heights
And that's poetiquejustis
Better a patient person than a warrior, 
one with self-control than one who takes a city.
Proverbs 16:32